E-commerce is by and large believed to be the trade feature of e-business where buying and selling of services or products are carried through internet and other computer networks. It is a valuable and well organized way of informing within an association and also one of successful way of accomplishing business, it also comprises of data transferring to assist the payment and funding characteristic of business dealings. A specialized e-commerce web design is one of the most vital components for successful online business; an impressive site will always get customers visiting the site for improving sales factor. E-commerce is sometimes called virtual mall reaching prospective buyers.
In today’s fast moving world online presence is very essential, allowing the visitors to navigate easily and it is possible through a well organized site with impressive design. E-commerce is represented on technologies like mobile business, internet marketing, and electronic fund transfer, involving latest technologies such as telephone, social media, e-mail and mobile devices. A website should have a good design and color based on the industry focused on to receive profits, the site should contain the exact products matching the design ex- Women clothing store should have vibrant color, specific design, material and patterns to make the customers buy the products and it should have a clear purpose meaning it should sell. The traffic can be attracted through decent designs for creating online growth for sales and services.
There are some rules to be followed during E- commerce site designing phase such as:
• Design should have matching products – Different technical approach is needed while designing websites for customers to continue business for ex a shopping site should comprise of products urging visitors to buy with attractive color scheme, uncomplicated menus, modern products, and easy buying options.
• Design should highlight the products – The key purpose of e-commerce websites is that, the design should emphasize the products using exact images and script, making it easy for visitors to navigate, using relevant and quality images.
• Using Quality images – Customers get attracted to quality and realistic images that will certainly make them buy the products, neglecting the usage of such techniques will crash the business and profits. Customers believe what they see so it becomes important to highlight specific images with right color, layout that should not crowd many products making it difficult for buyers to choose the right one.
• Easy access and usage is Imperative – E-commerce website requires a design that helps customers in stages of buying, from being attracted by other competitors. Availability of shopping cart, payment information and shipping details has to be accessed and in usable condition to continue shopping, other features can be less attended but not these categories, they hold importance in sales growth.
Keeping the website simple and easy is the thumb rule in e-commerce website designing process, avoiding clutter on the homepage is safe, shabby animation should be avoided as users might find it