eCommerce website basically deals with selling products online. It is a virtual store that displays
varied products of various ranges in the form of images. It allows you to compare the products
and choose the desired of your choice, lets you go through safe payment options and then
delivers the product intact at your doorstep in a couple of days.
The features that an e-commerce website requires basically is the ability to let the customer
access all your web pages easily, have attractive images and convincing details of all the
products, list of all the honest reviews and a column to compare relative products and finally
reaching out to the executive in few clicks.
With the aim to attract huge number of visitors, the foremost requirement is to have the website
easily loaded. Research says that 1% increase in loading speed is directly proportional to 7%
increase in the possible customers. To have minimal loading speed is the need of the hour.
It is found that a visitor at the most waits for a minimum of 3 seconds for a website to load.
While generally two seconds is the loading time, visitor chooses to close the site if it is more
than four seconds. This not only leads to lose a single visitor at that moment but he or she
generally do not tend to revisit the same website due to the bad experience they already had. It
also gives a negative feedback to others due to the bad mouth. And so is an overall huge loss to
your business wherein they opt to prefer your competitor over you.
Thanks to the various available techniques which help you to improve the accessing speed of
the website.
Having the images with minimal size
One of the most important aspects. Especially the e-commerce sites are mostly filled with
images. Images with huge size means more retrieving time. Highly resoluted images carry more
space and require greater bandwidth thus delaying the whole loading process. The ideal size of
an image can be below 100kb to improve the efficiency.
Designing based on HTML5 and CSS3
Thanks to the improving client side technologies. The CSS3 has inbuilt multiple improved
functionalities for providing lots of animated and graphical effects in your web page. Having the
design of your webpage by making use of maximum CSS instead of graphical snippets shall
contribute immensely to have an amazing loading speed.
Minimal Javascript Code
A website with lesser number of scripts is comparatively faster. And so is the need to logically
analyse so as to decrease the probability of accessing script for every minute query. This is
another great method of coding to have faster downloading of web pages.
Adding AJAX in the coding
AJAX helps you to retrieve the content without refreshing the whole web page. This shall seem
to be a small step but highly fruitful to reduce the access time of any data. It helps in loading
only the required content with updated information keeping the remaining format of the whole
page intact.
Cache Memory Optimization
Instead of accessing the server for repeated access to information, a local memory shall serve
the purpose. Optimizing caches helps the website to be available locally in the browser
temporarily. This minimises the time required to access different pages of the website.