The people who all have a website should know about this tool, so what is this tool all about??
Removing the bad backlink from your website. If you don’t remove this bad backlink from your website you should know what is going to happen in the future. Google will paralyze and it won’t allow your website to rank. In simple words, Google will stop your website to be ranked so that you won’t get any views of your website. Even though you might have created an amazing post you won’t get any views for that particular post that you have created. So only you need to remove bad backlinks from your website. Everything has been explained clearly how to remove bad backlinks using the Google Disavow tool. Informing Google that we have not created those links,
Initially go to Google search console and create the account, Later make the file of backlinks in your note pad. The extension format will .txt file. So the maximum URL should be 2048 char and the maximum lines should be around 1,00,000, the file size should be less than 2MB. Later you need to upload the file into the tool and finally click remove disavow. Create a notepad file with the extension of the .txt format. Go to google and type Google disavow link you will find a Google disavow tool in the google search console click on it, the page opens add the property after selecting the property to add a file that has been created by you and upload the same.
Note:- for one website only one file will be selected.
To remove toxic or bad links from your website has been
clarified with the steps below:-
Step 1:- Open your website
Step 2:– Open Google search console
Step 3:- After opening the Google search console on the left side if you scroll down, you will be able to find the option called Links, click on it
Step 4:- After clicking on it you will be able to find two option external link and internal link, just scroll down below you will be able to find top linking sites just Click on it,
Step 5:- These top linking sites are considered to be backlink section, click more, after selecting more you will get to know how many external links are there, there it will be mentioned as Top external links with the number for example:-82. The links will be visible in front of you, these are the steps to be followed to see the backlinks. So, to remove those bad links from your website, what should be done?
Step 6:-As mentioned before just create a file in the Note pad and give the name called bad backlinks. The extension should be in .txt format.
Step 7:- Step 7 is to index the website which you feel is not genuine, for example, if the website has fewer views compared to your website or if the website is not so popular, copy those website links and paste it in your note pad and save it.
Step 8:-Now we are going to report it in the Google search console, saying that don’t consider these links to my website.
Step 9:-Now go to Google chrome and type disavow link tool Click on the first option and the disavow link page opens, but here you have to make sure that you are already logged in to your email id
Step 10:-You will get a drop-down menu under that click your website from which bad backlinks should be removed. You will find an option to upload the disavow list, click on it and upload the file which was created by you in the note pad.
Click submit.
Finally, you will be able to see the notification called you have successfully uploaded the disavow link file specifying the keywords, domains, and URL. Click done.
After the final step, it takes around 10 to 15 days to remove all the bad links from your website, after few days you can open the Google search console and repeat the same cycle up to step 5, after doing so you won’t be able to see the links which were removed by you. So, this is the procedure to remove bad backlinks from your website.