Business website is much more than just a few interlinking web pages with some pictures and content.
Website has been one of the most important means of generating more leads. And so is the need to get it designed that is in sync with the latest trends.
Just as the saying goes, first impression is the best impression. It takes half a second for a visitor to judge your company based on the first look of your website.
Listed below are few checkpoints to keep your website design on par with the current trends before approaching best web development company .
Appropriate segregation
Be it the whole page alignment, font style, right colour combination, font size, quality of the images, it is very important to have them all in place for optimum results.
It is highly recommended that the web designer basically understands your business thoroughly. Accordingly suggests few designs. Is also flexible to accept all kinds of suggestions and changes. Thus is the huge need of appointing the best web design company to get your website developed.
Optimum usage of whole space, making it mobile friendly, imbibing the right forms of graphics wherever required are few of the to do list that has to be religiously followed by the designer to present your website perfectly.
Multimedia infusion
The video graphic medium is a great source to increase the number of viewers on your website immensely. Just as radio replaced televisions, well captured and directed video not only directs many visitors to your site but also contributes in retaining them onto your page for a longer duration.
By 2021, traffic of about 82% on the links is expected due to the videos imbibed in the webpages.
Videos can be uniquely composed either to tell about your company, display your products and services in the most attractive form, share your customers feedback or broadcast your latest achievements.
While videos involve lots of money and infrastructure investment, appropriate pictures are also needed to enhance your website.
Interestingly captivating and easily communicating info graphics are appreciated by many visitors. A graphical depiction of your business growth or the number of increasing customers over a period of time are few of the details shown in pictorial formats.
They not only save the time of the visitor to go through your business profile but leave an everlasting impression by conveying much more in a short time by just a scan on the image.
Relative Content
With respect to digital marketing services, content in a website plays a huge role. Content marketing strategy contributes in attracting visitors through the inbuilt keywords used by the crawlers of the search engine to redirect to your web page.
It is also important to have the appropriate text to code ratio to enable the search engines to rank you better. A good ratio ranges between 25 to 70%. No website can be made without HTML code. Similarly no website can be ranked better without any related content in it.
Optimum keyword density is expected to be about 1 to 3% of the overall content. The higher density results in the site to be categorized as spam by the search engines.
And so is the work of the digital marketing expert to analyze your content and accordingly have it in the website for most favorable opportunities.