Tips to monetize youtube channels, in this particular generation Youtube ranks Number 2 in search results. After Google youtube is the second search engine, the people who are never used to reading the contents go for youtube, because some understand the concept when they go through the videos only, so that’s the reason youtube ranks number 2 in the search results. There are many Youtubers who make money only through youtube. By uploading the contents which they are interested in. And going through the comments of the visitors of YouTube their respective YouTube channel and they upload the videos based on that particular content. And as and when the views increase, watch hours increase. Additional tips like how to increase the views and watch hours will be discussed at the end of this particular article. If you have a youtube channel and if you’re unable to monetize your youtube channel then you’re in the right place, after going through this particular article you will be able to monetize your youtube channel. So how to monetize your youtube channel will be discussed in this particular article followed by the next paragraph.
There are certain criteria to be followed to monetize your youtube channel, they are as follows. The monetization policies are as follows:-
Youtube community guidelines:- youtube has its own community guidelines. Which involves sensitive content and spam and deceptive practices. This means to trick the users by using the different thumbnails and the content which is mentioned in the video will be completely different. This indicates spam and depictive practices.
And the most important thing is it should meet advertise friendly content guidelines.
To, monetize your youtube channel there are Four steps to be followed. They are:-
Need to have 1000 subscribers
Need to have 4000 watch hours
Need to comply with all youtube community and guidelines.
Need to have an ad sense account setup.
1.Youtube partner program:- And finally need to apply for a youtube partner program, and there are certain guidelines to be followed while applying for the youtube partner program. These guidelines should be able to meet the above-mentioned requirements. If your youtube partner program is accepted it means that your content has met the above-mentioned requirements.
2.Then comes copy right and monetization policies on youtube.:- this copyright and monetization policies indicates whether your youtube video has the contents of another person’s youtube video or someone else’s Thumbnail. Suppose if this is the case, then the copyright issue will be claimed on your youtube channel. Then your channel is not eligible for the youtube partner’s program.
3.Google ads sense account:- without Google ads sense account money cannot be earned, so if youtube wants to pay you, then you need to have Google ads sense account, if there is already Google ads sense account, then its fine, but if you don’t have a Google ads sense account, then you have to apply for it while applying for youtube partners program.
Additional tips to be followed are mentioned here and they are as follows:-
- How to increase your watch hours?
- Catchy Thumbnails.
- Keep updating.
- Keyword research.
Explanations quoted with an example:-
- Increase watch hours:- If you want to make money from youtube you need to have 4000 watch hours which is equal to 240000 minutes. So it approximately takes around 12 months. So need to add the videos on regular basis to your channel
Note:- Have a teaser of your video. If the teaser is good and interesting, people will be eagerly waiting for your video, this will literally increase your watch hours.
- catchy Thumbnail:- The thumbnail should be Catchy and while scrolling down the videos if your thumbnail is unique and catchy. Visitors will get attracted to your particular video. And chances are there to increase the views of your video.
- Keep updating:- need to keep posting the videos daily, or weekly. If you have a youtube channel then it’s your responsibility to keep adding videos to your channel regularly. If you add video weekly then it’s good, but if you keep updating or adding video to your youtube channel on daily basis, then it will be an added advantage for your youtube channel.
- Keyword research:- Need to research for the keyword on what particular context your video content literally means. Example:- if you’re posting a video on education subjects:- like English grammar. Then keywords related to your video should be researched properly. For this you can use the tool called (Google ads) there is added advantage to this keyword research. Because if you research the keywords you will get to know what visitors are in need of and what kind of words should be added under the description. So keyword research is an added advantage.