Remove Your Personal Information From Google

Remove Your Personal Information From Google

web development in Dharwad

                The internet had bought people and places closer to each other. You can develop a new contact with just a few clicks. We can contact any person when we just  know name. The evolving huge number of social media platforms and their efficient features has reduced the distance immensely. You can see and talk to anybody anytime at just a click. This might be a boon to those who stay away from family and friends for work. There might be instances when one has to relocate to unknown location and social media helps you find with few contacts there. Many a times, people wish to be in contact with each other in this digital world, at times they want to be refrained from being found.

                Google has now become a widely accepted search engine. Anything and everything can be googled. When one name is being searched using google, it gives a result of all the pages where the person has its accounts. Nowadays, it is also being used by HR executives of various organizations before recruiting any personnel.

Removing URL having your name

                Any specific url can be removed from getting searched by clicking the link, Using the above link, the url from google search can be pasted and requested to be removed. The request is analysed by the team of google and intimation is provided before an action is being taken. You can have list of URLs that you got removed in your account.

Removing images from google

                The other process of not letting your site be visible in google is via robot tag. You can have particular links, images specifically coded as nofollow by crawler in the respective robots.txt file.

                For example, if a particular image, abc.jpg has a personal picture in your website, which you do not wish the google to be noted, in the robots file of the website you can have code written as,

                User-agent: Googlebot-Image         Nofollow: /images/abc.jpg

                The site, will give you bit more details about blocking images from being found in google.

Getting the link legally blocked

                The link, can also be accessed to send a request to have information blocked which has legal issues. However a separate request is to be send for each google product. Google clearly mentions all the details about its removal policies through . Every request is reviewed on a case by case basis. In case of information which is available in government websites, the request for removing is denied.

Stop from spreading negativity about you

                While its become easy for everyone to access the internet and talk anything, one has to be careful and proactive to not get wrong details published about you. When you find such things, immediately contact the webmaster of the website owner to get it rectified. And then ask the google to remove that web page through url removal tool in google’s webmaster tool.

Personalize your accounts in Social Websites

                Every social media platform be in facebook, twitter, instagram and many more has inbuilt option of having your account being viewed privately. You can have the right settings made which will enable only the right audience to have your information. There are options like viewed only by me(very much confidential), viewed by friends(limited visibility), viewed by friends of friends(extended visibility) and finally viewed publicly(available for all). When there is any content or image to be posted, you can choose any of the above options and have the level of your privacy in your own hands. When things posted are for view only by me and friends, it is blocked even for the crawler. Thus cannot be viewed in google search.