How women can empower their life by Internet?


earn money online, women can empowerment

Shivani is 34 years old woman. She was working in an IT company in Mumbai. After long years of marriage, she got pregnant & obviously had lot of pains while delivering a child. Naturally, she became weak. However, her company has provided her six moths of maternity leave but Shivani couldn’t able to join the company after that leave. When she gone for job fully recovered, it was 4 months late. The MD of the company didn’t allow her to work & even he sacked Shivani from the job despite her thousand requests. Co-incidentally, her husband fired from job in the same month. How unlucky she was!

           The days became harder. The couple had no job & naturally no income. Moreover, they had to take care of a child also. Shivani tried for job in many companies but didn’t get suitable one. Her husband also applied for jobs but because of lack of higher education, he also failed to it. Finally, as she has technical education, Shivani tried for part time jobs but they didn’t work out & she hardly get any income. But she didn’t let her down & tried to forget her problems & worries by writing a blog on internet. Shivani just described how her days were painful after delivering a child & being a jobless person. She went on explaining her real story in the blog. This made a magic. Her blog slowly became popular & women in thousand numbers became her subscribers. The blog became a talk of a town. Considering the popularity of the blog, many big companies started publishing their Ads in her blog & paying Shivani a handsome amount of money.

Shivani got encouraged by the income from blog & started creating other websites which will teach women how to be self-reliant. In the short span of time, her blog & websites created zest among the people & Shivani started earning money by selling her ideas on internet. Her husband left trying for jobs & started helping Shivani in technical aspects. Now this couple is earning eighty thousand to one lakh rupees per month. It is happy family now.

           Here is one more story. Padmavati was a wife of a marketing manager. For her bad luck, he died suddenly when she was pregnant. Padmavathi got down to the earth because she has no professional degree in her hand. She just passed PUC. However, what she knowing was embroidery & preparing a taste food. Occasionally, she used to access the internet to check her emails.

After three months delivering a child, Padmavathi started searching for a job having child in her hands. No company has offered her job looking a small child in her hands & lack of a degree. Padmavathi got so sad about herself that she used to cry for hours. Once, she met her college mate coming from the main gate of a company. After knowing Padmavathi’s sad story, her friend asked about embroidery & preparing food in which she was expert. Padmavathi told that now also she was as good as in PUC in those fields. Then, suddenly an idea flashed in her friend’s brain & suggested her to sell her talent on Internet. But Padmavathi was not so expert using the net. However, her friend created a website of Padmavathi & asked her about embroidery with pictures. She even created a video of Padmavathi & aired it on YouTube. Within two weeks, Padmavathi’s website of embroidery & videos of preparing taste foods became so popular that ladies stared purchasing her courses of embroidery & food preparing. Padmavathi, who was rejected by all the people, got warm welcome by Internet. It unveiled the talents of Padmavathi & got her great money.

           This way, the magic of Internet saved thousands of people’s life. It is really a great opportunity exclusively for women because they cannot work all the 12 months of the year. They have their own physical problems. They even cannot work consistently after marriage as they get child & should take care of that. Now, companies & govt agencies are providing maternity leaves but most of the women couldn’t able to join their jobs right after their leave. Therefore, home based jobs are suitable for them. Even many companies are providing women a task to accomplish at home itself. But most of the jobs at home & projects are based upon Internet. It is a global platform & ladies can work of their interest & earn money. It is like that. If you know any art or if you are expert in a particular area, you can create the video & air it on you Tube. As your YouTube channel becomes popular, you can start earning money by subscriptions of your courses & Ads of the companies etc. Players, Yoga performers, food experts, writers, technicians likewise everybody can show their talent on Internet & become self-reliant.

       Central & State governments, by knowing the importance of Internet, encouraging women learn more about internet. Now computer education is mandatory in schools & colleges. Ladies are becoming more confident & that is good sign. More importantly, one should learn fluent English as it has become the language of internet. (Now you can use it in many languages). If you present something in English on internet, it will reach worldwide. More people, as it goes globally, will attract towards your art, music, education, tuition whatever talent you have. Women can certainly earn more money & become self made by using internet. The social networks like face book, google+, LinkedIn & Youtube help you reach more people in short time. By the help of social networks, women can make more money sitting at own comforts. That is for sure.

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