Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Plus are the words of modern times which have become buzz words in the Society. These Social Platforms offer great recognition. Now the Businesses around the World is aiming to gain presence in these Social Media for improving their Business Opportunities to grow their Business around the World.
With a view to get envious position on Social Media, one has to follow the meticulous Road-map:
- Identifying Goals and Objectives is a Primary Step in enhancing the Social Media presence. On the basis of Objectives, the working of each platform and their audiences required to be studied. The decision can be taken where to reach and how to reach?, once the conclusions are arrived.
- Human element in Media presence is must even though the Activity is commercial and Business oriented. The human orientation for Social Media Account is necessary. Interacting with others, Responding to the Posts, Making Audience friendly would certainly connect them to the Business and create their interest in the Business.
- Any Business Activity has an important function of understanding the needs of Customer, Audience. Once the needs are identified it becomes easier to connect with them and offer them what they want and bring them to website to see the Business Offerings.
- The individual website assumes greater support in Social Media. It gives comprehensive information of the Business and Activities. The usage of Icons on Website makes User easy to connect with the Business. The viewers can comment “Like or Follow” the Business Products, Services. Simplicity of Icons certainly grow the Business.
- Individuals have profile on Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in etc. These Profiles needs to linked to the Websites. As such the Profile and the Website are interalia linked and inter connected and provide bigger Platform for information and relationship.
- The Segmentation is outdated concept in Social Media. Open your links to one and all to create the word of month and grow Business
- Strategy: One has to ensure that the each medium works in favour of the Business. As such integration of different Social Media would give a greater solution for the Market. The calendar of events, information blogs, Product offerings necessarily be uploaded on your media to stay organized for Customers.
- The Content of the Platform needs to be attractive, attentive and valuable which should help showcase the Business to grow the Opportunity to create Wealth.
- Connect with everyone those who post on Media pages. The interaction increases connectivity.
- Optimizing presence on Social Media is a key factor to attract Customers. As such identification of key words transacted on search engine required to be used in the Social Media Posts.
- Hashtags are the in-things on the Social Media. Use of hashtags with USPs and key information would certainly attract the customers. However excessive usage of hashtags will also have adverse impact.
- Emails are important medium of Communication. The Business Mails should contain Social Media Icons so as to attract the readers to them and checking out the Social Media pages or website.
- Free Buys, Concessions, Membership are the attractions and purposes of the people who use the Social Media. Resultantly, provide such benefits to the Audience to retain them with the Business.
- Life has become a puzzle and games. Why not to use such games and puzzles on the Social Media to engage the Audience and create the interest.
- Consistency in updating the posts will help customers to remain with the Business. The repeated stories and offerings will take them away.
- The individual interaction in Business is must and outsourcing would jeopardise the interest of the Audience.
- The Research on liking, dis-liking, preferences of Audience and Customers would help the Business to offer more things and grow the Social Media presence.
- The reason to engage with Business is important. The Social Media should give an opportunity to the Audience with consistency, attraction and reliability to connect with the business.
- Complaint redressal is a good retainer of the Customer. The Business should offer efficient redressal of Complaints through Social Media.
- The resolution of doubt is very important function of the Marketer. Hence Marketer should suo-moto provide questionnaire & answers for possible queries.
- Keeping connected your customers and prospective customers helps grow the Business, hence provide opportunity to them to get connected. Primarily the Business Entity has to create a plan to bring in more followers and audience to Social Media and at the same time it should adhere to plan drawn for enhancing its presence in Social Media. All the Social Media Platforms are equally important as such special treatment to each one is essential. In Modern Times service to customers at just in time helps the Business to retain the Customers.
Retention of Customers is a key to grow the Business and should be the purpose to the Social Media presence.
The Facebook and Google Plus are growing Social Media Platforms by their usage and popularity.
YouTube is most adored medium amongst every strata of life. It reaches almost 100% Web users.
Linked-in is a professional Platform which connect inter se amongst Professionals.
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